Corey Kessler
Corey Kessler


CrossFit L2

NASM Certified Personal Trainer


Corey Kessler

I have no former background in sports, gymnastics or even weightlifting. My first time in a gym was a YMCA my senior year of high-school where I would be on the treadmill and then swim laps. I was the only one in my gym class that couldn't do a pull-up, wasn't on the basketball or football team and could barely run a mile without my lungs falling out. CrossFit allowed me to find that strength and become someone I never knew I wanted to be. It is now my life. When I found CrossFit back in 2015, I was coming from a globo-gym and I really hated the monotony of that kind of training, I wanted more. Waiting for a bench in a sea of people to lift a few dumbbells a couple times just wasn't for me anymore, treadmills are also very boring.

When I joined B3 I knew this was my place, regardless of how out of my element I was. After my first Crossfit Open, I asked my coach what I needed to do to make this my career, I was hooked and passionate and wanted to teach it and help others find passion in it too. I am not a public speaker nor have I ever considered myself a great teacher but I knew I wanted to pursue coaching, which turns out requires both! I had to overcome my anxiety of standing in a room of people while all eyes were on me and learn what it is to have a "coaching voice". To be a great coach, you need to care about your athletes and my greatest strength as a coach has always been that. Now, I love when all eyes are on me and I pride myself on how well I can speak to a group of people, and enjoy it at the same time!

After I completed my Level 1 and got my certification I still worked a day job and I'd shadow our head coach at the time in the evenings. I was a very shy person at the time so coaching has really taught me to get out of my shell and do things that make me uncomfortable with a confident approach. I never realized how much I loved to help others as well, a hidden passion of mine that only coaching has allowed me to pursue. Over the years that passion evolved into not just physical fitness but also mental health. I pride myself on connecting with B3's members and offering a safe space for others to be what they need to be on any given day. B3 was that for me when I started and it's always been important to me to provide that same service for others along with getting a really great workout in.

My purpose for coaching at its core has always been the same, to help others believe in themselves and what they are truly capable of. I believe pushing our limits helps us grow and allows us to learn more about who we are. I want others to see what I see in them and to be confident in who they are and what they can do. I was never a confident kid growing up or the support system to believe I could do anything and thats not a feeling I want others to experience. If I can help people with that, I am doing what I love.


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